Click the link for test preparation: Class 10 Chemistry Notes

Online Test Instructions

    • Test Name : 10th Chemistry Full Book Online Test
    • Type : MCQ's
    • Total Questions : 15
    • Total Marks : 15
    • Time : 20 minutes

  • Questions will be shuffled each time you start the test.
  • Any question you have not answered will be marked incorrect.
  • Once you are finished, click the View Results button.

This quiz must be completed in 20 minutes.
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This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. abdul ahad

    plz correct your mcqs. house hold coal is bituminus and you marked wrong. stomach acidity is called heart burning while you marked wrong. plz correct this. thanks

    1. Author

      ok, we’ll check it.

      1. Muhammad Azhar

        Some answers of english mcqs are wrong! Please recheck it!

        1. Author

          Ok, We’ll check it.

  2. Eman iftikhar

    Please check some that the answer is wrong 🙏🙏

  3. Eman iftikhar

    Please correct some mcqs

  4. Ume eman

    Please check it

  5. Nh

    Which one contain triple bond
    In which mcqs
    Asnd D option will be same plz check it and correct your answers

  6. Muhammad Zeshan

    Some answers of chemistry MCQs are wrong….
    Please check them.

  7. Biscos cosmetics

    Which one contains triple bond ?
    In this mcqs you give two same options and both are correct ,i select last one and you marked wrong
    But its right ( alkynes made triple bond )
    Plz check this …..
    Again i give test. Again you Mark wrong…………..

  8. Ahmad Raza

    Hello sir, your two mcqs of chemistry are wrong. 1) Coal used in household is bituminous while you marked anthracite.
    2) Iron and steel are damaged by sulphur while you marked carbon dioxide

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