This is very good site for the preparation for your board examination. Everything is perfect. Tomorrow is my paper. I hope i scored full marks in objective.
3. ‘Teach him to learn’.this is a/an_______
Sir, is question ka answer show nhi horha ager wrong hojaye yo shi answer show nhi hota jaldi ay ia masly ko hal kren
This is very good site for the preparation for your board examination. Everything is perfect. Tomorrow is my paper. I hope i scored full marks in objective.
Indeed, an amazing! Providing all the study resource material for free, and even giving online test facility.
Simply, remarkable!
Mera English ka 3 wala mcq,s Galat hai mujay us
Ka pochna hai
imperative hai
Indeed, an amazing. Providing all the study resource material for free, and even giving online test facility.
Simply, remarkable.
3. ‘Teach him to learn’.this is a/an_______
Sir, is question ka answer show nhi horha ager wrong hojaye yo shi answer show nhi hota jaldi ay ia masly ko hal kren
its imperative
‘Teach him to learn’. Sir ager ye question wrong hojaye to shi answer tick nhi hota solve it. Immediately
very good experience
you some time cant underline the word
This is not fair u are doing it incorrect . It is correct. Teach him to learn is imperative sentence 😒
ye baat sai nai hai istanbul is the largest city in turkey largest ka meaning populated hai
This is amazing site to prepare for exam
thiss was a nice experience but make it a bit more hard….
This is a good website for parpare the board exam I hup full marks in objectives
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